Frequent questions
1. Is Restion an open facility for someone who is accepted?
Yes. Restion is an open Centre for Elderly residents. Each member can come and go as he or she pleases for brief or extended time periods as long as the staff is notified.
2. Is the facility easily accessible?
The Centre is located in Koropi, close to Leoforos Varis-Koropiou which is a large avenue , 7 km from Glyfada, 4 km from Varkiza and 2,5 km from Evelpidon Academy. The Restion has an ability to transport its residents with a mini van to close areas.
3. Is Restion expensive for its residents?
No. The monthly cost of life for residents is determined solely for our running costs. Restion is a non-profit organisation and no one profits from its operation except the residents. As far as services provided, the cost is actually very reasonable.
4. I don't have enough money to be accepted into Restion. What can I do if I wish to come and stay?
The admissions board of Restion will examine each application individually.
5. If I need specialized medical care, what should I do?
Nothing. Our doctor will refer you to an appropriate Medical Facility, Hospital or Clinic, in order to ensure that your issue is properly dealt with. After you are released you will return to the Centre , as you would return home.
6. If I need physiotherapy what do I need to do?
With the doctor's consent, most cases will be dealt with at our fully organized physiotherapy center If more specialized physiotherapy is needed then our doctor and our physiotherapist will advice you for more intensive and personal sessions . That might have an extra charge.
7. What must I bring with me when I enter the Centre?
Nothing, except clothing and personal items. The rooms are fully furnished and require no furniture.
8. What must I do with my medications?
Upon entering the facility you will give your medication over to the doctor and the nurses will bring your medication to you at the designated time. You don't need to worry.
9. Should I go to IKA or other insurance providers so they prescribe my mediation?
No. This will be done by staff members at our facility without you needing to be hassled. The only thing that you still need to do is to pay the dispensing fee as you have done until now.
10. Can I visit my relatives and friends whenever I want? Can they visit me, too?
Yes. You are free to come and go as you please. Your relatives and friends are most welcome.
11. In the event that I require 24 hours assistance, what should I do?
The Centre will provide you with the assistance and the financial obligation will be discussed on an individual basis with your family.